Certificate of entitlement (COE) prices ended lower across the board in the latest tender yesterday, following the start of a higher three-month quota.

The COE price for cars up to 1,600cc and 130bhp finished at $35,990, down from $37,334 two weeks ago. The premium for cars above 1,600cc or 130bhp closed at $39,000, down from $40,990.
The premium for the Open COE, which can be used for any vehicle type except motorcycles but ends up predominantly used for bigger cars, ended slightly lower at $39,500 from $39,889.
The commercial vehicle COE price closed at $31,502, down from $33,778. Motorcycle premiums finished at $7,251, down from $7,300.
The Land Transport Authority announced last month that the quota of COEs for cars (including Open COEs) will increase by 5.8 per cent to 4,865 a month for the November to January period.
Of the lot, 1,925 will be for cars up to 1,600cc (down from 1,967), 2,014 for cars above 1,600cc (up from 1,729), and 926 for the Open category (up from 903).
Commercial vehicle buyers will have 735 COEs a month, up from 674, while motorcyclists will have 1,049 a month, up from 934.
In total, the average monthly quota comes up to 6,649, or 7.1 per cent more than for the previous period.
Mr Raymond Tang, managing director of Yong Lee Seng Motor, said a drop in COE prices was expected, given the increase in the COE supply for this three-month period.
“But it’s not a great drop… The market is still very strong,” he said. “There were a lot of buyers who were waiting to see what will happen to the COE prices with the quota increase.”